H05-MSMSIL25 Collidial Silver with MSM spray*


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argentum plus Colloidal Silver-MSM 25 (liquid)

is an electro-colloidal preparation of a silver and sulphur based natural antiseptic. 

• Broad spectrum antimicrobial ionized silver particles are combined with MSM; increasing many times the synergies of each substance for a hi-strength sustained silver effect.
• MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is an organic form of sulphur that has cell supporting and anti-inflammatory properties and is utilized by the body to build healthy cell structures.
• 50ml Glass bottle with spray top

electro-colloidal preparation of a silver and sulphur based natural antiseptic
broad-spectrum antimicrobial ionized silver particles of 99.999% purity in steam-distilled water
made with MSM (an organic form of sulphur) which has detoxifying and cell supporting properties
combining silver and MSM increases many times the beneficial effects each substance has on its own
additive free/ high stability/ clear colour, packaged in amber glass with a fine mist spray pump

A spray bottle facilitates economical and efficient application and is very versatile: Spray onto the face to refresh or onto the skin until you get a slight run-off, then let air dry. It is suitable for all skin types and areas.

Colloidal Silver-MSM 10 (liquid) contains silver, which has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and is a natural anti-septic and MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) which is an organic form of sulphur that has cell supporting and anti-inflammatory properties and is utilized by the body to build healthy cell structures.

Combining silver and MSM in a single compound increases many times the beneficial effects each substance has on its own: Together in colloidal suspension the activity of the silver particles is significantly prolonged and sustained efficacy results.This ensures that argentum plus - Colloidal Silver-MSM 10 (liquid) has the extra strength required for persistent conditions. 

Silver-MSM 10 Liquid is produced in a unique process utilizing controlled crystalline coagulation in electro-colloidal suspension.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Not tested on animals. Does not need to be shaken before use and requires no refrigeration after opening.

High Stability. Shelf-Life Guarantee: 3 years

Visual Inspection: Clear colour, packaged in amber glass with a fine mist spray pump.


100 % pure Steam-Distilled Water, Food-Grade MSM (methyl sulphonyl methane; 100% pure), Finest-Grade Silver (99.999% pure). Silver content is 50 mcg (microgram) per 5 ml. MSM content is 1500 mcg per 5 ml.
